Category: *Customer

Mobile Technologies in Clinical Trials

Duke University and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) jointly formed the Clinical Trial Transformation Initiative (CTTI), which released a report stating that all clinical

Handling Rapid Changes in Health Care

For the past few decades, Americans have been holding their collective breath waiting for the government’s health care system to collapse. The cardiac event monitor

Improving Patient Care

Doctors nowadays feel more threatened than they did even just a few decades ago. The cost of technology, malpractice insurance and lawsuits, and health insurance

The Different Types of Clinical Trials

ReactDx has a long-standing history of supplying researchers with portable ECG monitors for over 20 clinical trials worldwide. Our close ties with improving healthcare has

Mobility and Patient Care

A decade ago when a patient visited your office complaining of chest pain, your first response was to run tests to determine whether the pains

High Health Care Spending

It has long been purported that the United States spends an exorbitant amount on health care when compared to other industrialized nations. In the past,

Why Do We Need Clinical Trials?

Though the amount of time between a medication’s initial publication and its actual release may seem endless, the need to properly test the medication, service,

Jodi is a seasoned Human Resources professional who thrives on change and transformation. She fell in love with Human Resources when she attended Penn State University for graduate school in Public Administration with a curriculum that emphasized Human Resources. After earning her Master’s degree she began her career in the manufacturing industry in Talent Acquisition and was eventually assigned the overall HR Management responsibility of three divisions which included collective bargaining. Ultimately, she made her way to transitioning a new division of a Fortune 100 company under the corporate model as well as developing and executing Human Resources policies and procedures across a broad range of functional disciplines. At the next juncture of her career, she was tapped on the shoulder by former Executives that she previously worked with to join in on an exciting start-up. Today, Jodi is the Vice President of Talent Relations and Development for Medicomp Inc dba ReactDx and is responsible for managing the strategic Human Resources function which includes mergers and acquisitions for this rapidly expanding company.

Jodi and her husband enjoy landscaping, finding new restaurants and traveling whenever life gives them the opportunity.

    *This form is intended for sales inquiries/information only. Do not include any patient health information (PHI) with your submission.

    On: all lights. Off: no light. Monitoring - Good: green light. Symptom press: green light, sound. Check Pendant: blue light. Check Battery: red light, sound.
    Do: wear always, fully insert in cradle, turn off to charge, dry, key near handset, return promptly. Don't: discard pendant, submerge, move patch