About ReactDx

Welcome to ReactDx (React Diagnostics), a leading innovator in the cardiac telemedicine and home sleep testing industries. As a trailblazer in both fields, we take pride in being developers, manufacturers, and service providers at the forefront of cutting-edge healthcare technology.

The ReactDx and React Health family understands the importance of accurate diagnostics and timely interventions. Patients deserve access to care they need without unnecessary delays to achieve a better quality of life as soon as possible.

ReactDx includes both Watermark Medical, Inc. and BioSerenity USA, Inc. Under the umbrella of ReactDx, these entities operate harmoniously to redefine the standards of remote cardiac and sleep disorder diagnostics. Our collective expertise and dedication ensure that patients receive the most accurate assessments from the comfort of their own homes.

Join us in our mission to revolutionize healthcare through innovation. With ReactDx, the future of ambulatory cardiac monitoring and home sleep testing is here.



We strive to optimize individuals’ well-being by pioneering advanced diagnostics and therapeutics in respiratory, sleep, and cardiac care. Through our commitment to excellence, we aim to uplift the quality of life for those entrusted to our care.

We strive to optimize individuals' well-being by pioneering advanced diagnostics and therapeutics in respiratory, sleep, and cardiac care. Through our commitment to excellence, we aim to uplift the quality of life for those entrusted to our care.



We envision revolutionizing holistic care by seamlessly integrating innovative diagnostic tools, medical devices, and services, ensuring universal access. Aspiring to be the foremost trusted leader in excellence and innovation, we are committed to empowering individuals to thrive in health and wellness.

We envision revolutionizing holistic care by seamlessly integrating innovative diagnostic tools, medical devices, and services, ensuring universal access. Aspiring to be the foremost trusted leader in excellence and innovation, we are committed to empowering individuals to thrive in health and wellness.

Learn more about our Products & Services

React Diagnostics develops and produces its own products and systems using diagnostic technologies that are widely regarded as the most advanced in the industry. Our patented Diogenes algorithm is unmatched in discovering asymptomatic arrhythmias, providing beat-to-beat analysis of the P-wave as well as Rate, Rhythm, and QRS morphology.

Jodi is a seasoned Human Resources professional who thrives on change and transformation. She fell in love with Human Resources when she attended Penn State University for graduate school in Public Administration with a curriculum that emphasized Human Resources. After earning her Master’s degree she began her career in the manufacturing industry in Talent Acquisition and was eventually assigned the overall HR Management responsibility of three divisions which included collective bargaining. Ultimately, she made her way to transitioning a new division of a Fortune 100 company under the corporate model as well as developing and executing Human Resources policies and procedures across a broad range of functional disciplines. At the next juncture of her career, she was tapped on the shoulder by former Executives that she previously worked with to join in on an exciting start-up. Today, Jodi is the Vice President of Talent Relations and Development for Medicomp Inc dba ReactDx and is responsible for managing the strategic Human Resources function which includes mergers and acquisitions for this rapidly expanding company.

Jodi and her husband enjoy landscaping, finding new restaurants and traveling whenever life gives them the opportunity.

    *This form is intended for sales inquiries/information only. Do not include any patient health information (PHI) with your submission.

    On: all lights. Off: no light. Monitoring - Good: green light. Symptom press: green light, sound. Check Pendant: blue light. Check Battery: red light, sound.
    Do: wear always, fully insert in cradle, turn off to charge, dry, key near handset, return promptly. Don't: discard pendant, submerge, move patch