Avocados & Bananas: Why They’re Good For Your Heart

WebMD reports that one of the most important things you can do to prevent heart disease is to begin implementing a heart-healthy diet. This includes fruits and vegetables, like avocados and bananas. The experts at ReactDx discuss exactly what it is about these foods that benefit your heart.

The Problem: Stiff Arteries

According to the Mayo Clinic, healthy arteries are flexible and elastic. Unfortunately, high blood pressure can cause the arteries to become more stiff and narrow, which restricts proper blood flow. The organization points out that this can lead to ischemic heart disease and even a stroke.

The Study: How Mice Responded to Potassium

The University of Alabama at Birmingham conducted a study on mice to see how foods that are rich in potassium, like avocados and bananas, would affect the arteries. The study was led by Yabing Chen, Ph.D., a UAB professor of pathology and a Research Career Scientist at the Birmingham VA Medical Center.

The mice were divided up into three groups. The first group was given a minimal amount of potassium, while the second was fed a typical amount. The third group consumed a high amount of potassium. At the end of the study, Chen discovered that the mice who feasted on high levels of potassium had the least constricted arteries of all three groups.

The Takeaway: Add More Avocados and Bananas to Your Diet

Although the study was conducted on mice, it is a good idea to add more avocados and bananas to your diet. The important thing to remember is not to go over the recommended daily potassium limit, or you could open yourself up to complications. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggests consuming 3,500 mg of potassium per day, so that should be your ultimate goal.  

You may want to discuss these findings with your doctor and nutritionist to come up with an eating plan that will keep your arteries healthy. A cardiologist may even want to monitor your heart before and after you add the potassium to get a better picture of how the change is affecting your body. ReactDx’s mobile cardiac monitor is an excellent tool for this, and you can call us with any questions at 800-234-3278. You’ll also want to check out the latest information on heart health on our Heart Health Page.


At ReactDx, we have been advancing diagnostic cardiology since 1981. ReactDx develops, manufactures, and provides service with the most reliable and sophisticated mobile cardiac monitoring systems in the world. Since its inception, ReactDx has been at the forefront of the cardiac telemedicine industry – pioneering technology, improving existing technologies and adding new applications.

Jodi is a seasoned Human Resources professional who thrives on change and transformation. She fell in love with Human Resources when she attended Penn State University for graduate school in Public Administration with a curriculum that emphasized Human Resources. After earning her Master’s degree she began her career in the manufacturing industry in Talent Acquisition and was eventually assigned the overall HR Management responsibility of three divisions which included collective bargaining. Ultimately, she made her way to transitioning a new division of a Fortune 100 company under the corporate model as well as developing and executing Human Resources policies and procedures across a broad range of functional disciplines. At the next juncture of her career, she was tapped on the shoulder by former Executives that she previously worked with to join in on an exciting start-up. Today, Jodi is the Vice President of Talent Relations and Development for Medicomp Inc dba ReactDx and is responsible for managing the strategic Human Resources function which includes mergers and acquisitions for this rapidly expanding company.

Jodi and her husband enjoy landscaping, finding new restaurants and traveling whenever life gives them the opportunity.

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    Do: wear always, fully insert in cradle, turn off to charge, dry, key near handset, return promptly. Don't: discard pendant, submerge, move patch